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Records of voter and council meetings and other items of interest to the Redeemer Lutheran community

October/November Missions Newsletter – Rev. Daniel & Kathy Conrad, Latin America

Missions Newsletter 2024_10-11 Rev. Daniel & Kathy Conrad, Latin America

Dear Friends in Christ,

                Greetings to you in the name of the Lord and we pray that all is well with all of you. Our seminarians are now in the final stretch of the semester that will culminate in December.  Attached please find our newsletter. We thank you for your prayers and support that make our mission possible. Have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!

In Christ,

Rev. Daniel and Kathy Conrad

Approval of Constitution & Bylaws Revisions

Greetings and God’s Blessings to everyone,

On June 9, at a Voters Assembly, our congregation approved proposed revisions of our constitution and bylaws. This was the second of two meetings to present and approve the revised documents. Our next step will be to resubmit the revisions and relay our congregational approval to our LCMS District (CNH) to receive their final signoff.

Some significant areas that were modified in the documents are listed below.

  • The office of vice president is no longer identified as a “legal officer”, in conformance with California corporate law.
  • A call for nominations to fill the positions of officers of the congregation shall be communicated at least 30 days before the voters meeting
  • Resolutions, which are approved by the council, shall be brought before the voters assembly at their next meeting.
  • Electronic voting by council members is permitted under certain conditions.
  • The section on administration of church funds has been moved to its own document, which will be maintained by the church council.
  • All changes to the constitution and bylaws shall be reviewed by CNH district as a condition for continued membership in the LCMS
  • All references regarding the offices of vicar and teacher have been removed
  • The process for calling ordained or commissioned church workers has been rewritten

Here are the links to the revised documents

==> Link to Constitution & Bylaws (Approved by congregation, waiting for final signoff by CNH District)

==> Link to Administration of Church Funds (Approved by congregation, waiting for final signoff by CNH District)

If you have any questions regarding the content or the process of approval, contact Fred Sherman.